AMS Vintage Cards - Search for Vintage Sports Cards - Baseball Cards

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Home > Baseball Cards (50164)

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1900 to 1939

1911 (6)

1912 (3)

1933 (27)

1934 (11)

1935 (5)

1936 (63)

1939 (49)




1940 to 1949

1940 (1)

1941 (14)

1948 (24)

1949 (44)



1948-49 (35)

Leaf (1)

1950 to 1959

1950 (258)

1951 (135)

1952 (870)

1953 (624)

1954 (436)

1955 (1214)

1956 (218)

1957 (693)

1958 (1554)

1959 (911)

1960 to 1969

1960 to 1969 (11764)

1960 (1096)

1961 (1468)

1962 (1721)

1963 (1388)

1964 (1630)

1965 (578)

1966 (1109)

1967 (579)

1968 (1225)

1969 (970)

1970 to 1979

1970 to 1979 (21508)

1970 (1605)

1971 (2251)

1972 (2322)

1973 (1977)

1974 (2448)

1975 (2697)

1976 (2191)

1977 (2267)

1978 (1765)

1979 (1985)


1975 (325)

1980 to 1989

1980 (899)

1981 (2407)

1982 (1851)

1983 (110)

1984 (727)

1985 (2725)

1986 (251)

1987 (240)

1990 to 1999

1993 (102)


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